GTA Contest

“In our normality, every moment
is a unique and silent nourishment
for us who are flesh and emotion,
a Universe in becoming, unrepeatable, in continuous explosion.”
Emanuele Cappelli

Every moment is unique and unrepeatable. Every person, with their own story, experiences, and choices, is one of a kind. We are unique, earthly, and carnal. Authentic in our bodies and in our deepest emotions. Away from the spotlights and the virtual world, we are real in our skin and in our senses, free in our thoughts and in our feelings. The extraordinary is precisely who we are.
“Normal is Extraordinary” is an introspective reflection on your uniqueness.

Dedicate your work to this concept, expressing yourself in way that is true to who you are. Break free from the limitations you unconsciously impose on yourself—design and create without fear.
Portray the subtle and hidden beauty of normality through the techniques best suited to your project.
Each applicant is free to choose the techniques for creating their work and the means of presentation,
provided that the work does not contain any hazardous elements, either directly or indirectly.

1st STEP – Registration for the Contest

To enter the Contest, each candidate must submit their proposal by April 28, 2025, by filling out the following form.